Who is Andrew Hardman?

Hi, I am Andrew Hardman, Founder, Investor and Consultant.

"Who are you and why should I care?"

I have had 3 successful business exits as well as multiple failures and hard lessons learned. I love to create 'actual' businesses that solve problems people have. Through my previous experiences I have learnt the lessons of how to build, scale and exit businesses.

What I bring to the table is those hard learned lessons of years of experience which you can't just learn from 'googling'.

The process of creating a successful business is a long and hard one with many highs and lows. My aim is to help as many businesses gain from insightful information and support to ensure their success.

About Me:

  • 3 successful Exits (most recent 2020)
  • Multiple failures and 'testing' times
  • Started as a Frontend Designer, moving on to management positions and then to create my first 'actual' business at the age of 24.
  • Investor and Coach to High Growth SAAS businesses
  • Continual Entrepreneurial Bug - I love to practice what I preach

Why do I want to support founders?

Over the years of owning different businesses I have realised the main role of a founder is to solve problems. Being a founder is one of the most isolating and challenging roles an individual can challenge themselves too. I have total respect for anyone willing to take the jump and start their own business.

One thing any founder will come to know is that our education institutions don’t prepare you for the multitude of skills, traits and beliefs required in order to successfully build, launch and scale a business. The only way you gain these skills and beliefs is through doing and learning from others who have been in a similar situation.

My aim with supporting other founders is to pass on the experiences I have had growing my own businesses. The purpose is to help those founders solve and overcome the continual problems they will face by sharing with them what they need to do or plan for before they happen. This will hopefully then ease the journey to get to their goals. The biggest constraint for growth in a business is the founder. I work with the founding team to ensure they can scale to the next level of growth by having the necessary skills, traits and beliefs in order to achieve their goals.

My aim is to be one or more of the necessary steps in the process of 'founder growth' required on the journey of value creation founders are on.

A little about me outside of the work world:

Family is my number one focus. Having twins, they make me get up in the morning and strive to make them proud and a better person. My other passions are any sports, actively involved in triathlon, skiing and getting out into the great outdoors.

Let's help you grow your business today.

Get in touch

Reach out to find out more about how I can help you grow your business to scale.